All of the above boots are from Nordsrom
***As soon as September falls on us a couple of things happen. one: my husband is off to the mountains to hunt. two: I start having a craving for caramel apples. The apple pie flavor is the best! three: I get so excited to wear boots. I heart boots! They are so stylin' with skirts, dresses, jeans, pants, leggings.....everything! I have a hard time controlling my desire to by more boots and wish that I could add all of these fun new styles to my closet. Um, I'm still wishing.....

Merrell- Prevoz

These boots are all found at Piperlime.
Did you know I heart Nordstrom?! I worked there for 5yrs before little Samuel came along. It's painful to shop there now and think that i used to get 33% off everything! I'm hoping you get at least a couple pair of those cute boots :)
I don't know if I would ever bring a paycheck home from Nordstrom! What a great place to work! I'm so sorry I couldn't go for Ice Cream! I felt so bad and wanted to see you! It was at the worst time for me. I had to pick Ash up from gymnastics and take her to dance. Darn! Next time you're in town let's plan something.
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